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NORIS News 07-26-21

Trusted Providers from Homesnap

This week we are unveiling a new feature, Trusted Providers – an easier way to store, organize, and share real estate referrals!

Agents can now add industry contacts directly to Homesnap Pro, choose from a pre-selected list of adjectives and phrases like ‘Knowledgeable’ and ‘Responds Quickly’ to describe them, and even add a custom blurb for each one. This list is automatically sorted by specialty and can be shared in just one click!

Trusted Providers is currently available on the web – coming soon to Android and iOS.  Here is a 1 minute video explanation of Trusted Providers:

Have you ever wanted to just print what was on your screen in RPR? Perhaps a list of properties that you’d like to share with a client and you certainly don’t want to run a report for each one? You can! RPR has printer-friendly views, which allow you to:

Watch this under one minute video to see all of the above in action…

If you need help with any NORIS product please email us at, or and we will be happy to help.

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